2014 Publications Roundup

Here’s a sample of the publications generated by the LLHAA community this year: Cassandra Sharp, “Justice with a Vengeance: Retributive Desire in Popular Imagination” in M. Asimow & K. Brown eds, Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives (2014) 153-176. The punishment of criminal behaviour has always been a hot topic in popular culture. Whether in…

Forthcoming Books by LLH Members

Cassandra Sharp and Marett Leiboff, eds. Cultural Legal Studies: Law’s Popular Cultures and the Metamorphosis of Law  June 2015 What can popular cultures offer law, as a basis for critical practice? This introduction to the ‘cultural legal studies’ movement takes up this question as it presents a new encounter with the ‘cultural turn’ in law…

Call for Submissions – Griffith Law Review: Open Space

The Griffith Law Review is seeking submissions for Open Space, a new forum for alternative pieces of scholarship, such as interviews, reports on conferences attended, creative works, and photo essays.  Open Space aims to foster cutting edge non-traditional legal inquiry in keeping with the journal’s focus on interdisciplinary, socio-legal, theoretical and critical legal scholarship.  Contributions…

Law’s Pluralities: cultures: narratives: images: genders

6-8 May 2014, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany www.lawspluralities.wordpress.com Conference Announcement & Call for Papers Plenary — Susanne Baer, Richterin des Bundesverfassungsgerichts, Professur für Öffentliches Recht und Geschlechterstudien an der Juristischen Fakultät und dem Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Mitträgerin des vom Berliner Forschungsverbund Recht im Kontext initiierten Projekts “Rechtskulturen:…

Judicial Images Network

Dear Colleagues, We are writing to invite you to join a virtual network of scholars and practitioners interested in the production, management and consumption of judicial images. This is an initiative supported by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. The aim of the project is to promote dialogue, understanding, future research and collaboration amongst…

7th Melbourne Doctoral Forum on Legal Theory

Monday 1st December – Tuesday 2nd December 2014 Call for Papers  Melbourne Law School will host the seventh annual Melbourne Doctoral Forum on Legal Theory on 1–2 December 2014. The Forum brings together research students from all academic disciplines to engage with social, political, theoretical, and methodological issues raised by law and legal theory.  The workshop is…