Works of art speak truths about war and conflict in a way that cannot be easily articulated by disciplines such as law or political science. As a result, scholars in these disciplines are increasingly paying attention to art made during conflict as well as the ‘work’ which art does in its aftermath. There is a need, however, to foster cross-disciplinary conversation about the methods and approaches undertaken by scholarship in this area. This two-day workshop is a series of events aimed at beginning a dialogue around these issues by PhD Candidates and Early Career Researchers.
Keynote Roundtable:
Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox (Artist); Professor Jon Cattapan (former Australian Official War Artist, Director of the Victorian College of the Arts); Professor Paul Gough (Artist, Pro-VC and Vice-President, College of Design and Social Context, RMIT); Ryan Johnston (University of Melbourne, former Head of Art, Australian War Memorial).
Other events include a special exhibition of art works from the Keynote speakers and other artists at the VCA; film screening of Until They’re Gone (Dir. C Lockett) and video Q & A with filmmakers; curatorial talk and session at the Ian Potter Museum of Art and workshop discussion around current works-in-progress.
Presenters and participants are invited to attend from a range of scholarly fields, not limited to law. Applications due by 30 April 2018.
See the Call for Papers here.
For further information on how to apply, see:
Queries to:
Workshop organisers: Federica Caso (UQ); Shawna Lesseur (UConn); Laura Petersen (Melbourne); Stacey Vorster (Uva/Wits).
Image credit: Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox, The New Clouds (Detail), Gouache on paper, full size 56 x 76 cm (2017).