Legal Intersections Research Centre (LIRC): Through the Looking Glass – The Framing of Law and Justice through Popular Imagination

Legal Intersections Research Centre (LIRC), University of Wollongong Date: Friday 4 July 2014 Time: 9am-5pm Location: 67.202 – Moot Court Register: Online by 27 June.  Registration is free.  Places are limited. Following Alice, who contemplates, and then explores, the world on the other side of the looking glass, this symposium calls upon participants to reflect…

Griffith Law School Public Lecture: Picturing Moral Arguments in a Fraught Legal Arena: Fetuses, Photographic Phantoms and Ultrasounds

Professor Jessica Silbey, Suffolk University, Boston Wednesday 9th July 2014   6-7pm Griffith Film School, South Bank Campus Since photographs and film were available to everyday people they have been part of the legal system and its factual evaluations with the goal of justice. Not without controversy, photographs and film have been used to prove the…

Visualising Law and Gender – Centre for Law and Culture Conference 2014

St Mary’s University Twickenham, London Law both regulates cultural representations and creates them. These dual themes will be explored in a conference focused upon the twin strands of law and visual culture, and law and gender. How does law regulate gender; how does it regulate images? What is/are the relationship/s between visual culture and the…

Law and Love

Humanities Research Centre @ The Australian National University presents: Law and Love – a one-day colloquium 5 December 2014 Further details TBC In our social imaginary, love has become the major existential goal of our times, which is capable of providing all of us with a sense of worth and a way of being in…