The ambition of the conference is to provide a permanent platform to discuss and explore the alternative methods of legal argumentation, i.e. those that are not regularly employed in everyday legal practice, but would prove extremely valuable if adopted. It is thus our intention to bring new stimuli to both the traditional and alternative approaches to the argumentation by showing that the outcomes of both are valuable and can be combined in coherent theories.

The conference consists of four workshops/streams each specialized in a specific and unique method of studying legal argumentation:

-         Formal Methods in Legal Reasoning

-         Law and Literature

-         Law and Language

-         Visualization of Law

Important dates                                      

Full papers submission deadline:  31 May 2015

Notice on acceptance deadline:  20 June 2015

Revised papers for publication deadline:  20 August 2015

Conference date: 16 October 2015

Full paper formal requirements

Range: min. 5.000 words

Submission: on-line at

Conference proceedings

All accepted full papers will be included in the printed conference proceedings with ISBN. As in the previous years, the proceedings of the conference will be submitted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index, accessed via Web of Scienceâ„¢ Core Collection.

Conference fees

Regular registration  100 EUR

Student registration  50 EUR

Conference dinner 35 EUR

Further information is to be found at