Call for Papers and Submissions
Volume 43.2, December 2017 Deadline of May 30th, 2017 The Australian Feminist Law Journal is seeking articles for publication for the next General Issue of the Journal, namely Volume 43.2 (December 2017). The journal focuses upon scholarly research using critical feminist approaches to law and justice, broadly conceived. As an international Critical Legal Journal we…
In the opening sentence of Peter Fitzpatrick’s seminal book, The Mythology of Modern Law, first published in 1992, the claim that “law as a unified entity can only be reconciled with its contradictory existences if we see it as myth†is described as the first chapter’s “suspiciously simple argumentâ€. Few perhaps would regard even that…
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 2017 – Extended until 24th February! The Legal Intersections Research Centre at the University of Wollongong invites applications from PhD students enrolled at other universities to visit LIRC for a minimum period of two weeks in 2017. The Visiting PhD Scholar Program aims to support high quality interdisciplinary PhD research in LIRC’s…
Australian Feminist Law Journal: A Critical Legal Journal Call for Papers: Special Issue Vol 44.1 June 2018 Gender, War and Technology: Peace and Armed Conflict in the 21st Century Special Issue Editors: Emily Jones, Sara Kendall and Yoriko Otomo While feminist approaches to international law are flourishing, and while the international community has taken up…
Ten years ago, the so-called ‘Invisible Committee’ urged that ‘It is useless to wait…. To go on waiting is madness. The catastrophe is not coming, it is here. We are already situated within the collapse of a civilization. It is within this reality that we must choose sides.’ Over a decade before, Leonard Cohen had…
Hosted by the Cardozo Law School in collaboration with the Roma Tre- Law School May 25-28 2017 International Roundtable for the Semiotics of Law CALL FOR PAPERS Singularity, Generality and Exemplarity in Legal Discourse The use and practice of exemplarity are rooted in classic rhetoric, literature, politics and law. Because of the shift from pre-modern…
law&history is the official journal of the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society. The journal, now in its third edition, publishes original high quality research on law and history in the Australasian-Pacific region and also welcomes articles on any other area and period. The journal is double-blind peer reviewed and ERA listed. Edited…
Deadline of December 15th 2016 The Australian Feminist Law Journal calls for Proposals for the positions of Special Editor(s) of a Special Themed Issue of the Journal, namely Volume 44.1 (June 2018). Special Editors work in conjunction with the Editorial Board to create a theme, solicit articles, organize the referee process, make publication decisions and…
The ninth Melbourne Doctoral Forum on Legal Theory This year the forum is particularly concerned with questions of method: How do we reckon with law? Reckoning holds this tension – how can we meet our scholarly responsibilities in the present and live the outcomes as our institutional lives? In actuarial disciplines, reckoning is about calculating…
Thursday, 3 November 2016 – 9:00am – Friday, 4 November 2016 – 4:00pm ANU College of Law welcomes applications to the first Challenging Words workshop to be held in Canberra on 3-4 November 2016. It may change how you approach the law forever. Engage your thinking about—and experiencing—the law in a wholly new and…