Postgraduate Paper Prize Rules 2023



1. The purpose of the Postgraduate Paper Prize is to acknowledge and support the advancement of graduate research in the field of Australasian law, literature and humanities.

The Award

2. The Prize Committee will award the prize to the author or authors whose paper, in the judgment of the Prize Committee, makes the most significant contribution to the field of Australasian law, literature and humanities by a graduate research student at that year’s LLHAA Conference.

3. The winner will receive a prize certificate from the Law, Literature and Humanities Association of Australasia (“LLHAA”), will have their work publicised on the Association’s website/blog, and will be invited to attend a prize ceremony.


4. To be eligible, the paper must be: (i) presented at the LLHAA Conference hosted by Queensland University of Technology, 11th to 14th December 2023; (ii) submitted as a written paper to the Committee (6,000 words maximum, inclusive of footnotes and bibliography) by 31st January 2023.

5. To be eligible, the author or authors must be currently enrolled in a postgraduate programme, or have submitted their thesis and/or completed their viva examination in the year of the LLHAA Conference at which they present.

6. Membership of the Association’s Management Committee or the Conference Organising Committee does not exclude a postgraduate student from eligibility.

7. Any questions of eligibility will be determined by the Prize Committee.

Administration and Adjudication

8. The prize will be awarded to the author or authors whose paper, in the judgment of the Committee, made the most significant contribution to the field of law, literature and humanities by a postgraduate student at that year’s conference.

9. Significance is to be based on: (i) potential contribution to the field of law, literature and the humanities; (ii) quality of scholarship.

10. The Committee may also decide to acknowledge additional high-quality papers as a honourable mention.

11. Judgments will be made solely on the basis of the submitted written paper.

12. Nominations can be made by anyone.

13. The award will be judged by a committee (“the Prize Committee”) whose members will be established by the current management committee of the LLHAA. Membership of the Prize Committee will not include any current postgraduate student.

14. The Prize Committee’s decision will be made by a majority vote and will not be open to review.

15. Where a member of the Committee has been nominated for the award, or have been or are currently involved in the supervision of someone nominated for the award, that member will abstain from voting on the award and will not be present when the Prize Committee is considering the nominations.

16. The submission of nominations for the prize must be made by 31st January 2024. The award will be announced in March 2024.

17. Nominations should consist of (i) a completed nomination form and (ii) a pdf version of the written paper to be considered. Nominations should be sent by email to