Australian Feminist Law Journal: A Critical Legal Journal
Call for Papers: Special Issue Vol 44.1 June 2018
Gender, War and Technology: Peace and Armed Conflict in the 21st Century
Special Issue Editors: Emily Jones, Sara Kendall and Yoriko Otomo
While feminist approaches to international law are flourishing, and while the international community has taken up gender, broadly construed, in a variety of ways, including in situations of armed conflict, the focus has tended to be either on sexual violence or on equality and representation. In the meantime, technological developments have shaped the conduct of war and armed conflict, the most obvious example being the use of new weapons systems such as drones. The potential for armed conflict to be radically transformed by technology has prompted continuing debates at an international level. Yet there remains a need for further critical and feminist understandings of and reflections upon how these new technologies bear upon the conduct of contemporary armed conflict.
This Special Issue will therefore consider the role of technology in the context of war and armed conflict, paying particular attention to the way this relationship appears within legal frameworks. The aim will be to analyse the many ways in which technology impacts upon or has the potential to impact on war and armed conflict from a feminist/gender-based perspective. War and armed conflict can be construed broadly and, following feminist work, can be seen as part of a continuum of violence, with war and peace also forming part of a continuum. Papers which discuss forms of new technologies are welcome, including: drones, autonomous systems, exoskeletons, algorithms, Big Data, cyber-attacks, and novel uses of established technologies. A variety of feminist and gender perspectives are welcome, including articles which focus on women’s lived experiences, feminist analyses of the law, cyberfeminism, posthumanism, feminist geographies and postcolonial feminist analyses, among others.
Deadline for Submissions
Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted to the Co-Editors, Emily Jones, Dr Sara Kendall and Dr Yoriko Otomo by Friday 17th March 2017. Manuscripts will be due by 15 August 2017. Earlier submissions are welcomed.
Refereeing of Articles
The Australian Feminist Law Journal referees all manuscripts submitted for publication and follows the double-blind refereeing procedure. Referees will be selected with expertise in the author’s area of scholarship. Authors are requested to place their name and affiliation on a separate page, and eliminate any self-identifying citation of one’s own work. This can be done by leaving such citations or reference material blank or otherwise referring to the work in a way that disguises the name of the author. The journal will not accept manuscripts for consideration that are already under consideration by another journal.
The Australian Feminist Law Journal is published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis UK. Please direct general academic journal enquiries to the Editor in Chief: or the Managing Editors at An electronic version of the journal style guide can be found on the AFLJ Griffith University website: For subscription enquiries, email