The Cultural Afterlife of Criminal Evidence
Katherine Biber
Professor of Law, University of Technology Sydney
This lecture examines the cultural afterlife of criminal evidence. It explores what happens to criminal evidence after the conclusion of the trial. Formally regarded as part of the court record, and subject to the rules of evidence within the trial, beyond the trial this material has aroused the interest of artists, publishers, historians, curators and journalists who wish to access and use this material for a wide range of purposes, some of which might be transgressive, dangerous or insensitive. The lecture will show examples of criminal evidence now experiencing a cultural afterlife, drawing examples from the criminal and coronial proceedings following the death of Azaria Chamberlain, crime and forensics exhibitions currently showing in the Wellcome Collection and the Museum of London, and the ongoing projects emerging from the Forensic Photography Archive held in Sydney’s Justice and Police Museum. The lecture asks what is at stake in opening these criminal archives, and what might be at stake if we try to regulate them.
Tuesday 10 November 2015
Public Lecture Theatre
Old Arts Building
The University of Melbourne
Admission is free.
Bookings are required.
Seating is limited.
To register visit:
For further information please contact Tamsin Courtney in the Faculty of Arts at or 83448985