A Critical Legal Journal


Volume 46.1, June 2020

Deadline EXTENDED – 30 November 2019

The Australian Feminist Law Journal is seeking articles for publication for the next General Issue of the Journal, namely Volume 46.1 (June 2020). The journal focuses upon scholarly research using critical feminist approaches to law and justice, broadly conceived. As an international Critical Legal Journal we publish research informed by critical theory, cultural and literary theory, jurisprudential, postcolonial and psychoanalytic approaches, amongst other critical research practices. The length of an article should be from 8,000 to 12,000 words, although shorter articles are welcome. We particularly wish to encourage interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary writing focusing on law.  Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a proposed abstract to the Managing Editors at an early stage before final submission.

Articles should be submitted electronically to the Managing Editors at: and should include an abstract (300 words), and a brief separate statement regarding their use of critical research methodologies or critical theory.

Refereeing of Articles

The Australian Feminist Law Journal referees all manuscripts submitted for publication as an article and follows the double-blind refereeing procedure. Referees will be selected with expertise in the author’s area of scholarship. Authors are requested to place their name and affiliation on a separate page, and eliminate any self-identifying citation of one’s own work. The journal will not accept manuscripts for consideration that are already under consideration by another journal. The AFLJ has Green Open Access status within national research funding policy.

Manuscript Style and Presentation

The journal style should be followed as closely as possible, to eliminate delays at the time of printing where an incorrect style would necessitate changes.

An electronic version of the journal style guide can be found on the AFLJ website:

Academic and subscription enquiries may be forwarded to


Judith Grbich

Griffith Law School

Managing Editors

Karen Crawley & Laura Griffin

Griffith Law School

Since 2014 the Australian Feminist Law Journal has been published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis.