Divided Authorities and Dispossessed Peoples (ANU)

Divided Authorities and Dispossessed Peoples: Aesthetic Dimensions of Political and Critical Theory in the 21st Century 20-22 July 2016, Humanities Research Centre Australian National University Invited Keynotes: Louise Amoore (Durham, UK), Chiara Bottici (New School NYC), Davide Panagia (UCLA), Dimitris Vardoulakis (Western Sydney University) Forms of authority inhabit aesthetic events and practices, and equally suffuse…

Interdisciplinary Complicity

As you’ll know if you attended, the LawLitHum Conference 2015: Complicities, held at UTS in December, was a great success. We asked the recipients of two RHD student bursaries to offer their reflections on the event. Here’s what Ben Eldridge (University of Sydney) had to say: The death of rigor in general public discourse should…

A brief note on form

As you’ll know if you attended, the LawLitHum Conference 2015: Complicities, held at UTS in December, was a great success. We asked the recipients of two RHD student bursaries to offer their reflections on the event. Here’s what Laura Petersen (MLS) had to say: As part of my PhD research, I have been trying to…

Kent Summer School in Critical Theory 2016

The Kent Summer School in Critical Theory is running for the second time this year, in Paris, 13-24 June 2016. The website has just gone live: http://kssct.org/ This summer school for early career researchers and doctoral students aims to create a unique pedagogical experience, enabling leading critical thinkers to conduct an intensive 2-week seminar with members…